Master Plan
Steering Committee

Authorized by the Carlisle Planning Board and supported by the Carlisle Select Board, the Master Plan Steering Committee (MPSC) manages the master plan process, work plan, schedule and budget. In 2021 the Master Plan Steering Committee's responsibilities include hiring and working with a part time Project Manager/Planner, providing volunteer teams to do specific issue research and analysis, and regular reports to the Planning Board and other town boards as needed.

Master Plan Steering Committee Members:

Jack Troast, Chair, Master Plan Steering Committee

Barney Arnold, Communications and Outreach Captain

John Balantine, Facilities Captain

Mary-Lynne Bohn, Communications and Outreach

Janne Corneil, Master Plan Concepts Captain

Kerry Kissinger, Member at Large

Kate Reid, Housing Captain

Nancy Shohet-West, Communications and Outreach

Robert Zogg, Energy and Sustainability Captain; Transportation Captain